Monday, September 30, 2013

She Made She Made September Reveal

Hi Y'all,

It has been a while since Christine and I did a She Made/She Made challenge, we decided to take the summer off, so let me refresh what this is all about.  In July of 2012 I went to Pennsylvania for a family reunion and Christine and I met in Carlisle, PA at the Rolling Bead store, then we had lunch it was a great day.  I gifted Christine with a box of goodies that I made up from my stash and she in turn gifted me with some goodies too.  Since we both kept half of what we gifted each other we decided to have a little challenge between the two of us making something from two item chosen from our gifted stashes.  So with out further ado here is what Christine chose for us to create with for September. 

She chose the Aventurine donuts from what I gifted to her and the orange Czech glass beads from what she gifted to me.  Here is what I made.

It took me a little while to grasp an idea of what I wanted to make with the beads that were chosen.  It was not until I took a little trip to Huntsville in north Alabama, and I went to a little bead shop called Mary's Antiques and Beads, and found the color enhanced Carnelian 4 and 8 mm beads, some 8 mm Aventurine beads, that I knew I wanted to do a Cellini spiral.  When I got home I went straight to my stash of seed beads and started pulling out all of the green and orange seed beads in sizes 15, 11, and 8.  As I was beading the spiral the colors reminded me of the rich oranges the oak tree leave turn in Autumn here in Alabama mixed in the the dark green of the evergreens, so I decided to name my piece Autumn in Alabama.

Thank you for stopping by to visit, now please be sure to go by Christine's blog and see what she created.

Happy beading Y'all,

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sequintastic September (A sequin-themed blog hop)

Back on July 27th, Sarah of Saturday Sequins blog put out the call to those that wanted to participate in her Sequintastic September challenge, here are the rules:

The challenge: 

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to...
  • Create an original work of art using sequins. What you create, and how many sequins you use, will be up to you!
  • On the reveal date, share a photo of what you made.

    • Then, visit the other participants and drool over all the amazing work.

    Easy so I signed up and then I thought, what in the world was I going to make.  Then I remembered a bead embroidery cuff that I had started, perfect I could fill in the spaces with sequins. 

    I had this jasper stone bead that I bezeled and around it I sewed Rose Quartz chips.  I used Czech glass beads for the leaves and the other little flowers are made from pink fresh water pearls and black Czech glass roundels I sewed on the silver plated butterflies and that is as far as I got when I could not decide how I wanted to fill it in.  I was going to do a checker board back ground with pink and gray seed beads, but I did not like how that was looking so I ripped that out.  The sequins turned out to be the best solution.

     Now to find the right color sequins for my cuff.  Off to Joann's I go, because in my town there is not a whole lot of places to find sequins.  I was lucky because they had one pack of pale pink sequins left and I also chose a silver AB square sequins too.

    Here is the result of adding all of the sequins to the background of this cuff.

    I used the silver AB square sequins behind the round pink sequins to give a little extra bling factor.

    I used silver lined clear seed beads size 8 for the edging and a five hole slide clasp

    I am very pleased with how this piece turned out. 

    Thank you Sarah for host another wonderful blog hop this year.  Thank you to y'all for stopping by and visiting my post.  Please hop on over to Saturday Sequins blog and see what the other participants created.

    Happy beading Y'all,

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Creating With Cabochons hosted by Sally Russick of The Studio Sublime

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    Hi Y'all,

    Yes it is me, I am still around, I just took a break from beading and blogging for a little while.  I have been learning a few new skills to add to my jewelry making, one of which is fusing glass and shaping the fuse glass into cabochons.  So that is what I am going to show you for the Creating With Cabochons challenge, that the wonderfully talented Sally Russick with The Studio Sublime is hosting.  

    When I first signed up for this challenge I had it in mind to make a collar using cabs and bead embroidery.  I have not given up on that idea, but it is just not going to happen for this challenge.  What I am going to show you is the process I took to make my cabs.

     Morning is a lady that is very talented in many areas of jewelry making and she has taken me on as an apprentice and fusing glass was my first lesson.  I learned how to cut glass with a glass cutter and how to break it apart once it is scored. I learned that stained glass is not the same as coe90 glass and they should not be mix, but I forgot that rule and mixed them anyway and found out that they do not like to stick to each other.  It is fun cutting up the glass and placing them on other pieces of glass and making little sandwiches of glass.  I lost all track of time when I was playing.

    Glass ready to go into the kiln for the fusing process. 

    Glass is fused and shapes drawn on the back.  This machine is used to cut off the excess glass to make it easier to sand into the drawn shape.

    The excess glass cut away the scraps will be crushed to go into other projects.

    Me sanding and shaping the cabs.

    Cabs all sanded and shaped and ready to go back into the kiln for fire polishing.

    Here is my lot of cabs.  This picture is of the first and second batch of cabs.

    Although I did not make a piece of jewelry with any of these cabs, you will be seeing these in the future made into wearable pieces.

    This is a piece that I did for a Facebook challenge.  So I decided that it would do a double duty for this challenge too.

    Thank you for stopping by to visit, I hope you enjoyed your visit.  Now please go and visit the other blogs in this hop.

    Your Host:  Sally Russick
    D Lynne  Bowland
    Alicia Marinache          
    Lynn  Jobber          
    Jenny Davies-Reazor           
    Jo-Ann  Woolverton           
    Marde Lowe          
    Dawn Doucette          
    Mary K McGraw          
    Gloria Allen          

    Cheri  Reed          
    Sonya Stille          
    Elizabeth Owens Dwy          
    Veralynne   Malone          
    Tania Hagen          
    Lynsey  Brooks          
    Christina Miles          
    Holly  Westfall          
    Kathy  Lindemer          
    Patti Vanderbloemen          

    Therese Frank          
    Adrienne Berry          
    Liz   E  
    Tanty  Sri Hartanti          
    Ginger Bishop
    Renetha Stanziano          
    Marlene  Cupo          
    Sandi Volpe          
    Sharyl McMillian-Nelson          
    Niky  Sayers

    Mischelle Fanucchi          
    Tracy  Stillman          
    Skylar Bre'z          
    Ann Schroeder          
    Paula Kramer
    Jess Green          
    Susan Kennedy          
    Stacie  Florer          
    Cathie  Carroll          
    Susan F.  

    Michelle Caballero      
    Sabine Dittrich          
    Kristina Johansson          
    Kimberly Sturrup-Roberts          
    Melissa  Meman          
    Cheryl McCloud        
    Michelle  Timms          
    Cindy  Pack          
    Ailsa  Cordner          
    Lynda  Carson

    Cynthia  Machata          
    Julia  Harris          
    Karin  Slaton
    Ingrid  Anderson          
    Karin Grosset Grange
    Jasvanti Patel  
    Inge  von Roos
    Molly Alexander

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