Saturday, August 11, 2012

6th Bead Soup Blog Party! Soup's ready!

Hi Y'all and welcome to the 6th Bead Soup Blog Party reveal #2 hosted by the beautiful and talented Lori Anderson.  A big thank you goes to Lori and her husband for the hard work in pairing everyone up to make this party a success.  I hope y'all are ready to hop around and view 126 participants blogs, I am sure you are going to be dazzled by some amazingly beautiful pieces.

This is my second BSBP.  The first time I participated was in the August/September 2011 BSBP and my partner was the beautiful and talented Lola Surwillo of Bead Lola Bead blog, which she is in this reveal too, so be sure to go by and see what she created.  This time my partner is Sabine Dittrich of Perlen Dschungel blog.  Sabine lives in Munich, Germany and makes gorgeous glass beads which she sells in her Etsy shop.  Please go by Sabine's blog and see what she has created with this bead soup I sent to her. 

As I stated above Sabine makes gorgeous glass beads.  They are truly amazing I only wish that my photo could have shown how beautiful they really are.  Here is the bead soup Sabine sent to me.

So beautiful I love, love, love them!

Here is what I made with these beautiful beads.

I used three different bead stitches in this necklace, flat spiral at the top, herringbone spiral that the pendant is hanging from, and peyote for the bail.

In the flat spiral I used 4mm silver crystal roundels, 3mm gold roundels and blue iris size 11 seed beads.  I chose these colors to bring out the colors in the glass beads.

I carried on the same color scheme in the herringbone spiral and the peyote bail.  The peyote bail is inspired by a pattern in Diane Fitzgerald's Shaped Beadwork.  Isn't that glass pendant gorgeous?

I strung most of the other glass beads onto flex beading wire to make a bracelet to go with my necklace.

I used the two sandy colored glass beads for a pair of earrings. I made the ear wires, they turned out a little funky, but I like them.

I had two glass beads left, so I took a piece of silver plated wire and made a bail for the bead with the bumps, I love this bead it is my favorite of the glass beads.  I made the bail so the bead could spin like a wheel. I call it my fidget wheel.  I hung the fidget wheel pendant from a strand of  Marsha Neal Studio silk ribbon and a piece of 1mm leather cord, I tied two large roundels to the ends of the silk and leather and Ta Da a simple, but yet pretty necklace.

A closer look at the Fidget Wheel pendant.

I hope that I did not disappoint Sabine, or you, with what I created with her beautiful glass beads.
Please go check out the other participant's blogs to see what they all have created in reveal #2 of the BSBP!

Here is the link to make it easier for you to hop...

Happy hopping Y'all



  1. Disappoint? Never! Impress? Always! I love what you created Therese … and that first necklace is AMAZING! Your beautiful work matches Sabine's beautiful beads perfectly! Gorgeous!

  2. The beaded focal you sent is fantastic! As always your beadwork is amazing, but I really love those cream earrings. The colors are so beautiful together.

  3. I love what you did with the first necklace and that unusual and interesting focal!!! -Wow! Fantastic work Therese ;)

  4. Lovely intricate work there, fantastic

  5. Love what you mad Therese, how could it disappoint the first necklace is just beautiful with that unusual focal bead, and the bracelet is great I like your silk ribbon and leather cord for the pendant beads to, well done.

  6. I am not disappointed at all, dear Therese!
    Your pieces are all so lovely and I am really overwhelmed how many you came up with. Amazing work!
    The first necklace is just a dream! And I do love your bracelet and the earrings. They all fit together so perfectly.
    Congratulations on that awesome artwork.
    Love, Sabine

  7. You really made gorgeous out of a great soup! Brava!

  8. Lovely pieces Therese, well done!!

  9. Your work screams BEAUTIFUL! I love the first necklace and what beautiful beads!!! I must visit your partner's shop!

  10. Therese - that first necklace is spectacular!!! I love the chain, I love the bail, I love the way you incorporated the beads from your soup. It's just stunning. The coordinating pieces are fantastic too!!! Beautiful work!!!

  11. Oh Therese you have done awesome!! You better watch out or they will be missing!! I can find where you live!! Oh my dear you always amaze me with your bead weaving and way to go working with wire!! Your fidget it! Big grin on my face here with all the beauties.

  12. Therese, All I can say is WOW! Everything is just fantastic and beautiful. Your creativeness in the first necklace is a show stopper. Hmmm might be worth a trip to Alabama in the dead of night (what are the directions to your house???????) lol

  13. Lovely, I am always impressed by people who have the patience to seed bead. I think you did a great job with your soup!
    [PS you might want to consider removing your captcha during the BSBH some people won't bother to comment]

  14. Oh Therese! I love the beadwork you did for your first piece. Beautiful choice of colors and types of stitches. It really highlighted the beautiful focal you received. Love it.

  15. Beautiful beadwork on your first necklace! I especially like the way you attached the pendant. Perfect color theme!

  16. I love that you made your own earwires - awesome! And the spiral stitch was the perfect way to accentuate that striking focal.

  17. Therese, I love everything you made. That first necklace is just gorgeous! I love the beaded bail which really shows off that fabulous focal! You certainly did justice to the bead soup you received.

  18. I can't find one word for these, gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, spectacular and the list goes on. I love what you created, the first necklace and the fidget wheel amazing! Your work is always so beautiful Therese!

  19. Wow!! It's all I can say! Great work! Love your fidget wheel, so much fun!! And your blog is super cute! :-)


  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Nope, I'm not disappointed. I don't think anyone would be. You've created some wonderful designs. I especially love the necklace with its glittery, sparkly bead-woven 'chain'. Love!

  22. Therese - all I can say is WOW! Wow, wow, wow! SO awesome and beautiful. Love the earrings so much. The first necklace is out of this world.

  23. Girl! You totally rocked that soup! Love, love, love the first piece. Your weaving choices were a perfect complement to the beads. (I'd love to know the pattern for the bail!) The strung bracelet is just gorgeousness all over the place, and I know I'd be wearing those earrings ALL the time. I do love the fidget necklace, I have a similar one that has a bell inside a bead, so I know just what you're talking about. :) Awesome job!!!

  24. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. You have a great talent in many areas of beading. I love you pendant bails.

  25. you created a worthy setting for the lovley beads that you had in your soup....very stylish!

  26. Disappoint??! Oh heavens, no!! You did an amazing job, girl! That first necklace is just spectacular! Love the "fidget wheel" idea...I might just have to steal that one. :-)

  27. Gorgeous!! I love that first necklace, each part is so pretty and that bail, so perfect! I was trying to find instructions for just that type and struck out, but man you made an awesome one. Great job!

  28. Wow! Amazing! You did a great job!!!

  29. Beautiful work, Therese! That first necklace knocks my socks off. :)

  30. I really love that first necklace! The bail and the beadwork are so perfect together. Lovely!

  31. Seed bead neckace is fantastic, the best! Congratulatiins!

  32. Love all the pieces, but that first necklace is to die for!

  33. Excellent work. Love the color combinations.

  34. The first necklace is stunning! The beaded bail around the bead rope is amazing!

  35. Beautiful pieces.I can see my name on the first necklace:))It is so AMAZING !

  36. Every piece you made is wonderful
    I am so in LOVE with that first necklace
    your bead work is exquisite !
    you showed off those fabulous lampwork beads perfectly
    Delicious soup !
    m.e. :)

  37. Love, love, love! These are so beautiful!

  38. Oh my Therese you created some amazingly brillant pieces! That first necklace is absolutley breathtaking! I love the simplicity of the second necklace and the earrings and bracelet look like so much fun to wear. Girl you did amazing work with the goodies you received!

  39. Beautiful! that necklace is a show stopper.

  40. Great pieces - I really like that first necklace a lot!

  41. What gorgeous bead work! You did a bang-up job! Thanks for playing!

  42. Therese, I've been so eager to see what you'd create, and as expected, they're all wonderful! Love the mix of spirals in the first piece, and the reminder that sometimes "ta da simple" is exactly the way to go. Terrific!

  43. You always have such amazing designs! Your first necklace...with that awesome pendant, is especially beautiful! Her lampwork beads are so pretty! Nice job!

  44. Your designs are lovely! I am so in awe of your beadwork. Great job.

  45. Don't know where to begin: I love all of your pieces, the intricate beadweaving, the simplicity of the earrings, every piece is gorgeous

  46. I'm always so blown away by beadwork. Yours is so beautiful, all your pieces are.

  47. What fabulous creations Therese - that first necklace is out of this world! Love the bracelet too but all your pieces are lovely and you've done your partner and her beautiful beads proud.

  48. Gorgeous pieces. I love the seed bead bail!

  49. WOW, that beadweaving just sets the focal off perfectly!! GREAT JOB!!

  50. The beadweaving is amazing, beautiful work!!

  51. I admire anyone who does bead weaving, great work!

  52. Just amazing work as always! That first piece is stunning ... I continue to be just in awe of your bead weaving abilities!

  53. I am sure that she isn't disappointed at all. All of the pieces are absolutely lovely.

  54. Beautiful, love the earrings!

  55. You did a great job, Therese. I love your work!

  56. Well Therese you never fail to impress! With such beautiful beads you did some amazing work but that first necklace just leaves me staring in disbelief. You are the bead weaving star of this show!

  57. They're all great pieces. But the beadwork in your first necklace is awesome. Great job.

  58. Wow...such lovely creations! Your beadwork is stunning! Awesome job on your bead soup!

  59. That bead stitching...WOW! Beautiful work!

  60. All the pieces are so beautiful and wearable, but that first one...the weaving and the details and the lampwork!!! It is a phenomenal piece of art...just gorgeous!!!

  61. Therese- Whew! It's taken me long enough to get over here and I'm so sorry for that. However, it was definitely worth the wait. Your first necklace made me gasp with delight and I could barely pull my eyes from it to scroll down and see what else you created. WOW! It's totally an eye-catcher. I love the sparkle you added and all that texture. So yummy!! Your bracelet and earrings are also FAB!! Lastly, I adore that you created a fidget necklace. I play with my jewelry too and love it when it's intended to be played with.
    You absolutely knocked this challenge out of the park. And I'm not surprised. Your work is always wonderful. :)

  62. Very beautiful! Really dig the last design! Gorgeousss!

  63. Therese, I love everything. Beautiful seed beading. I love how you did the bracelet, it is perfect to showcase the beautiful glass beads, they are a work of art on their own. Your fidget wheel is great, I have done variations of that also.

  64. Love your first necklace, the focal is gorgeous, but I love the peyote bail!

  65. Beautiful work Therese! I love, love, love the first necklace. Sabine's pointed focal piece is a stunner!

  66. Really wonderful pieces! Your seed bead work is stunning and the colors complement the focal perfectly! Great soup.

  67. What fun beads you had to work with - Sabine's beads are gorgeous! And I love seeing how you use them.

    I'm more of a peyote stitch and right angle weave kind of girl, but every time I see your herringbone, I remember - oh yeah! That's a great stitch too! If you see more herringbone in upcomping work, you'll know you're partially to blame, er credit! :)

  68. That soup your partner sent you is amazing! I'm so in awe of people who can create beautiful beads like that, as well as people who can bead weave like you did in your first necklace-Not only is that jewelry, but it's wearable art! :)

    I love all your other pieces-I think you did a magnificent job on them all!

    Happy Hopping :)

  69. WOW! What amazing beadwork on the first necklace!

  70. You showcased those beauties well! I love the beadwork on the first necklace especially. Beautiful soup!

  71. These are beautiful! How i wish i had the patience to bead as good as you.

  72. Love your first necklace. All that beading.....gorgeous. Love the fidget wheel. I do a lot of that... Great job!

  73. I absolutly love what you did. The colors are fantastic, great design and incredible beadwork!!

  74. Therese, you sure received some beautiful beads!!! I love all of your creations, especially the first necklace - it is a show-stopper! I think I gasped when I first saw it, it is just so incredible. You really have a way with beadwork!
    Hey...looks like you were so close by last month heading up to PA. What a great time meeting fellow beaders from the online world - that's great that you had the chance to do that!

  75. Therese, I like very much all of your pieces, but the first necklace is absolutely fabolous!!!! It's one of my favoritest pieces from this Bead Soup Blog Party (from the blogs I've visited until now)!!!

  76. What gorgeous beads you received and what gorgeous pieces you made. Your bead weaving is beautiful,

  77. Beautiful work, I love your beadweaving. You set off the gorgeous soup you received perfectly.

  78. AWESOME!!! All of your pieces are very unique & creative. My favorite is the first necklace.Wonderful color choices.

  79. Lovely pieces. I particularly like the detail of the beaded bail in the first necklace. The fidget wheel made me giggle - it's lovely to look at and I'm sure it's a joy to wear (I love fidget jewellery).

  80. Fantastic creations! I love the fidget wheel, I'm the sort of person who likes to play with the jewellery I'm wearing, so totally understand where you're coming from there!

  81. I'm only just getting around to checking out the hop :) I love how you used the three different stitches in the main necklace. They compliment each other very well.
    When I click on the link for the list of other participants however,the link sends me to a page that says doesn't exist. Was the list removed for some reason? I would like to visit the rest of the blogs on the hop....

  82. For some reason i am really drawn to the earrings. Simple, yet the blue gives them a pop!

  83. Such spectacularly sensuous colors! Beautiful job.

  84. Hi Therese, You have been busy! I had so much fun going through all your posts I missed recently.... So much beautiful work and all sorts of inspiration to look at. I love what you did with Sabine's handmade glass bead, I think you framed it really well: the focal is so nicely accented by your design. Hugs,Kinga

  85. Therese, you never cease to amaze. Fantastic soup, just fantastic!

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