Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Time To Stitch 6 Two Days Left to Sign Up

Hi Y'all,

If you have not signed up or just did not see the original post on the 10th click here or go to Christine's blog here and sign up.  We would love to have you play along with us.

Happy beading Y'all

Friday, October 10, 2014

A Time To Stitch Six Sign Up

Hi Y'all,

Wow it is hard to believe that it is mine and Christine's sixth time presenting A Time To Stitch Challenge.  It seems like just a few months ago we did our first one on peyote and herringbone stitches, but that was way back in May and June of 2012.  

Since this is our sixth time Christine and I thought we would make it just a bit more challenging.  The objective for ATTS 6 is to use a graphed chart, word chart, or picture chart using peyote, square, RAW, or brick stitches.

Here are some examples:

graphed chart

Word chart

Picture graph chart

Your items can be one dimensional or three dimensional

Little Bead Boxes written by Julia S. Pretl (you can get this book from Amazon .com in paper back or Kindle form)

This tutorial can be purchased on Etsy

Livvy's Lamb

Amy Severino of Amy Beads blog  has also gave permission to use the patterns from the Bead It Forward web site. If you do use the Bead It Forward patterns please send in what you created to the Bead It Forward project, it is for a good cause.

Also there are programs you can use to make your own patterns to use.  The program I use is Bead Tool 4 it is a free site or you can pay a small yearly charge and be able to save your patterns. 

Sign ups for ATTS 6 are from today through the 17th of October, and the reveal will be the 10th of January 2015, so come and sign up and join in on the fun here or over on Christine's blog.

Happy beading Y'all,


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Wheely Fun Jewelry Challenge - Hosted by Janet Bocciardi

Displaying Wheely Fun hop challenge.jpg

Hi Y'all,

Today is the reveal for the Wheely Fun Jewelry Challenge hosted by Janet Bocciardi.  Back a few months ago Janet asked myself and a few other very talented ladies if we would like to play around with a little wooden wheel that she found at her local Ben Franklin store, that was going out of business.   Well of course we all said yes.

Displaying wheel in original condition.jpg
This is the wheel that Janet sent (I am using a photo that Hope Smitherman took because I forgot to take my own)
Janet also sent a few other items with the wheel one of the items was a clay bumble bee.  As soon as I saw the bee I knew what I wanted to do.   But then I thought how am I going to make it into a piece of jewelry that me or someone else would want to wear, the wheel is a little on the large side.  I thought I could make a pin, but they where and how to attach the pin back.  So I thought I could decorate a box and that is what I did.

I had some acrylic flowers, the rose is made up of four pieces stacked together.  I put the bee on a wire and ran the wire through the rose petal stacks and the leaves and tied them to the wheel.  Then I took some topaz Rizo strung them onto wire and they took three bell flowers and stacked them together with a green seed bead as a spacer.  I made three of each of the colors pink, purple, and orange.  I put two of each color in the front of the rose and the remaining in the back of the rose. Then I glued a 12 mm rovolli over the hole in the center of the wheel.  I they took some Peridot chips and made a vine and wrapped it around the wheel. 

 I went to Hobby Lobby and got a cardboard box and I found some paper with an old paint peeling wood wall print. I got my paints out and found a green grass color.  I glued the paper to the lid of the box and painted the bottom of the box.  I was not pleased with how the wheel looked on the lid.  It just did not pop.  I like the way the wheel looked on the bottom of the box, so I watered down the paint and painted the lid.  The print of the paper still shows through and the wheel pops.

I am pleased with how my box turned out.  I may keep it as a trinket box, or put a gift in it and give it away, but for now it will sit on my desk.

Thank you Janet for including me in this challenge it was fun playing and creating with the wooden wheel.

Now please go by and visit the others and see what they have created with their wheel.

Beadsong Jewelry:
Crafty Hope:
Honey from the Bee:
Therese's Treasures:   (you are here)

Happy beading Y'all