Monday, June 20, 2011


I thought I would take a break from packing.  Man, the junk one acumilates over eight years in one place.  I've only brushed the surface and I have to have this house packed up and ready to move this Saturday, but I will get it done I always work best under pressure.

Believe it or not these three boxes just contain CD's, DVD's, and VHS tapes (yes I still have VHS).

I don't think I got rid of a single telephone book since I moved into this house.

Boxes waiting to be filled.

I'm getting married in November and I'm moving back in with my Mom to save some money and it will also help her out as well. I rented a storage space today and have moved all of my clothes that I will not be wearing this week over to my Moms. 51 years old and moving back home, oh my!!! 
My plan is to move as many boxes to the storage space as I can before Saturday that way all that will have to be moved on Saturday is the furniture.  Well I guess I will fill another box or two then go to bed so I can get up at 4:40am and get ready to be at work by 5:45am.

Happy beading Y'all


  1. lol.... nice to know I'm not the only one that 'forgets' to throw out the old phone book! You're off to a good start.. :)

  2. Thanks for the smile this morning Karen, I'm sure I'm going to come across more hidden junk before I'm done.

  3. Ah VHS tapes. . . I also have TONS of them. I worked at a video store in college and it closed just as I graduated, so they let me have my pick of the videos I wanted to keep. Of course, our VHS player got hit by lightening several months back and I have no way to watch my treasured tapes. Of course. . .
    Best of luck on an easy move!

  4. OMG!!! We moved 4 years ago and I had a month to pack all six of us up! I had the same bloody phone books!!! LOL phone books , take out menus, clothes I put up in the attic we forgot about for the kids - UGH. I remember taking bags and bags of stuff to Goodwill cause I couldn't bear to pack anymore!!!

    Good Luck!!!

  5. Congratulations on getting married!! :D You seem so young at heart, it's lovely. I hope the transition went smoothly and you met your goal to be out by Saturday. I definitely sympathize; we're still in the process of moving and it's harrowing. XD
