Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Heart Macro - Mr. Jingles

I got out of my car this morning at work and was stepping up onto the sidewalk when I noticed movement. I looked in the direction of the movement and EEEK a mouse!!  I jumped back off of the side walk and just looked at the mouse, he did not move.  My first thought was "Get camera, take pictures!".  I always carry my camera you just don't know when an opportunity will present it's self.  I zoomed in the lens as close as it would go and took pictures.  After the first two I got braver and moved in closer, just not too close, I did not want the little thing running up my pants leg, ya know.

If you have read or seen the movie "The Green Mile" you will be familiar with the little mouse that appeared on The Mile one day his name was Mr. Jingles.  This little guy reminded me of Mr. Jingles cause he just sat there and let me take pictures.

These two pictures were the best ones that I got of Mr. Jingles. The others were shaky, Gee I wonder why LOL!
If you enjoyed my pictures I know you will enjoy viewing what other's have been photographing.  Head on over to Studio Waterstone and check I Heart Macro shots of the other participants.

Now for a moment of remembrance... I will never forget September 11, 2001, It was my day off and I was watching the Today Show when Matt came on and said that there was something going on at The World Trade Center north tower and they cut away to the towers.  I was watching, as was millions of others, when the second plane circled around and crashed into the second tower.  My eyes could not believe what I was seeing, but then the reality of it all sunk in and I began to cry. To this day I still cry when I see the footage of that horrible day in our countries history.   God bless all of those that died that day in New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania. God bless the families of those that died on that day and continue to bless this country and those that defend our rights. 
We are a strong and resilient country and I'm proud to call the United States of America my home.




  1. Amazing after 10 years that everyone I've ever talked to remembers exactly what they were doing when they got the first news about 9/11...

    p.s. The Green Mile is one of my favorite movies;)

  2. I heart Mr. jingles! He looks like a little toy!

  3. oh how cute is Mr. Jingles....great shots, you're braver then I would have been.....

  4. I think it's one of those moments we will never forget, where we were and how in that moment our lives changed forever. I am forever grateful and proud too! Mr. Jingles is precious and brave!

  5. eeek!!! but he sure is cute! I'm sure I would have peed my pants :)

    I too remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day and cannot watch any footage or pictures of the during or after without that awful feeling in my gut and tears in my eyes :(

  6. that mouse has a classic tv mouse look to him! what a cutie...from afar!

    it is hard to believe it has been 10 years that we have had those horrors burned in our daily minds. i often wonder if the survivors and families of those that died have found any sort of normalcy and happiness in their daily lives.

  7. What great macro shots of the little guy!

    And I'm remembering with you...and can't help but get emotional.

  8. I love Mr. Jingles! Great Shots of him!

  9. I'm having issues with blogger today and I've been trynig to comment for the longest time. I too remember exactly what I was doing on 9/11 ten years ago. It was my first year of college and really the first time I became world-aware (if that's even a word/phrase).
    And Mr. Jingles is very cute although I probably would have ran far far away. They're super sweet until they taint your perception of them. I'd like to continue to think they're cute and sweet.

  10. I love that movie! Mr Jingles is adorable for a rodent :) you are very brave indeed, not sure I would have been. Great shot!!

  11. You have the instincts of a true photographer. Well done!

  12. Great photos! Mice are really adorable when you look at them. I forgot about Mr. Jingles! The Green Mile was an amazing novel.

  13. Oh my gosh, Mr. Jingles is adorable. I'm shocked he sat there. But then again, maybe he was more afraid than you. :)

  14. He's so cute! I can't believe he didn't run away when you took his picture.
